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Torontonians undecided on who should succeed John Tory: poll

New survey results, however, show more consensus on the top election issues for voters.

Published Feb 17, 2023 at 10:45pm

Lindsay Campbell
Lindsay Campbell
Torontonians undecided on who should succeed John Tory: poll

Former Toronto mayor John Tory at a Remembrance Day ceremony in 2021. New data shows voters are divided on who would be the next best person to run the city. (Rick Madonik/Toronto Star)

Following former Toronto mayor John Tory’s surprise resignation, new data shows that while residents might not have strong feelings about who his successor should be, they do have thoughts about the issues they want a new mayor to address.

This finding comes from a Mainstreet Research poll that surveyed Torontonians on a number of potential candidates and their top election issues ahead of a mayoral race.

The top choice for voters was former Toronto city councillor Mike Layton, who garnered roughly nine per cent support. Layton, the son of former federal NDP leader Jack Layton, served on Toronto city council from 2010 until 2022 but did not run for re-election last year. The runner-up was Michael Ford, nephew of Conservative Premier Doug Ford and current provincial minister of citizenship and multiculturalism, who had seven per cent of votes.

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