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Time for feds, province to step up to respond to homelessness and addictions crisis

We need proper services that are actually assisting with the betterment of the lives of those dealing with these major issues, not just warehousing individuals and preventing them from succeeding in life.

Published Oct 17, 2024 at 11:27pm

Alex Nuttall
Alex Nuttall
Time for feds, province to step up to respond to homelessness and addictions crisis
A person walks past a homeless man as he rests beside tents set up in Trinity Bellwoods Park during the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto on Monday, September 21, 2020. (Nathan Dennette/The Canadian Press)

Injections sites, “safe supply” of drugs and narcotics, unregulated encampments, tolerance of broken laws, lack of prosecution, a revolving door justice system and a liberal interpretation of drug laws by judges have all lead to where we are today, a society that is lawless and in favour of those who break these laws.

We’ve reached a very sad day in North American society when we are putting the priorities of traumatized adults over the innocence of children.

READ MOREOntario mayors discussing motion calling on feds, province to help in efforts to regulate encampments

Places designed for kids to play are being used for encampments, with many being home to unruly behaviour, open drug use and in some cases, violence.

When did the focus shift from creating spaces that are safe for kids to play, to creating places that are dedicated and “safe” for using hard drugs?

Let me be very clear, we absolutely must help those suffering with addictions, deteriorating mental health and homelessness.

We need proper services that are actually assisting with the betterment of the lives of those dealing with these major issues, not just warehousing individuals and preventing them from succeeding in life.

I applaud the provincial government for prioritizing hubs that provide rehabilitative services, counselling and referrals for housing. These are long-term objectives that should have been the priority for all levels of government since day one of this crisis.

The Minister of Health and Minister for Mental Health are correct: Ontario does need a lot more capacity for rehab and treatment services. Let’s work towards rectifying the problem.

At the same time, our municipalities are shackled by court decisions, and we are lacking the power to enforce our own laws.

The result of the court cases in Waterloo and Kingston both undermine the bylaws of our municipalities to maintain a clean and safe environment in our cities.

Threats of charges under human rights laws are being felt by municipal leaders.

Inaction on encampments has resulted in the proliferation of encampments. Not just in Barrie, Ontario, or in Canada-but in North America.

FROM COMPASS NEWS: Ford supports mayors’ request for more power to deal with homeless encampments

Municipalities are working together.

Its time for provinces to work together.

Its time for provincial & federal governments to step up and weigh in on court cases that have resulted in the increase in crime and the decrease of the public feeling safe.

Police need the ability to police our neighbourhoods.

Prosecutors need to be able to prosecute.

Judges need to be given the proper direction and tools to enforce the laws.

As Mayor, I alongside many other mayors are calling on both senior levels of government to:

  1. Take intervenor status on any court case restricting municipal regulation of encampments in public parks
  2. Advocate for the principle endorsed by U.S. Supreme Court (City of Grant Pass) that courts should not be dictating homelessness policy
  3. Develop a compassionate & compulsory treatment plan that strengthens the Health Act & Healthcare Consent Act
  4. Use of the notwithstanding clause where necessary to meet the objectives above
  5. Create diversion courts as a compassionate alternative to the bogged down court system
  6. Permit a police officer to arrest a person without warrant who commits an act of repetitive trespass after having been directed by the police officer not to engage in such activity
  7. Allow for referral to a diversion court for charges of repetitive trespass

Governments cannot sit on the sidelines while the courts write legislation.

The notwithstanding clause is a tool that is available to restore municipal governments’ ability to maintain order and safety.

This will not solve all problems, but at least give our mayors the opportunity to move forward and protect our cities’ most innocent and vulnerable citizens.

In Barrie, all options are on the table to ensure our children walking to school are safe in each and every park, especially those near elementary schools.

We ask other levels of government to do the same. Consider every option available to restore safe parks and safe neighbourhoods, while helping those who have lost their way.

Alex Nuttall is the mayor of Barrie, Ontario, and a former MP (2015-19).

The views, opinions and positions expressed by all iPolitics columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of iPolitics.

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