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Recognition of First Nations rights a 'sticking' point in new policing law plan: AFN

Ghislain Picard, a member of the Assembly of First Nations executive who deals with justice matters, said they are hoping to see the bill presented when Parliament resumes in the fall.

Published Jul 12, 2023 at 7:07pm

The Canadian Press
The Canadian Press
Recognition of First Nations rights a 'sticking' point in new policing law plan: AFN

Chief Of Anishinabek Police Services Jeff Skye is joined by UCCM Anishnaabe Chief of Police James Killeen, left, and Treaty Three Police Chief Kai Liu as he speaks at a press conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Monday, June 12, 2023. A lawyer with the Assembly of First Nations says including the recognition of their rights in legislation declaring First Nations policing an essential service is one of the "sticking" points in negotiations with Ottawa. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)

Recognizing First Nations rights in a proposed policing bill with Ottawa is a "sticking" point in the negotiations, a lawyer for the Assembly of First Nations announced Wednesday.

Julie McGregor updated chiefs gathered in Halifax on work to develop a law that would declare policing on First Nations an essential service — something Indigenous leaders have spent years calling for.

She told the organization's general assembly that the Department of Public Safety had provided a written explanation of what it does and doesn't plan to do with the legislation.

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