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Ontario municipalities still pushing for a new deal with stable provincial funding

“Ontario’s municipal governments invest more than $65 billion a year in the services people and businesses in Ontario rely on most,” said Robin Jones, president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), which represents the province’s 444 municipal governments.

Published Jan 20, 2025 at 9:37pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
Ontario municipalities still pushing for a new deal with stable provincial funding

ROMA Chair, Mayor of Mississipi Mills Christa Lowry, scrumming with reporters at the ROMA convention (QP Briefing / Barbara Patrocinio)

The calls for a “new deal” between Ontario’s municipalities and the provincial government are growing louder, as cities and towns across the province struggle to keep up with rising demands on overstretched budgets.

What’s happening is that for years, municipalities have relied heavily on property taxes and development fees to fund services, but with mounting responsibilities offloaded by the province, many are at a breaking point.

"We heard from the Premier this morning that he shares municipalities concern about their finances, but there's really been no talk about a new deal for municipalities or anything like that," said Mayor of Mississipi Mills Christa Lowry, who is also ROMA Chair.

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