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Ontario family physicians call for health minister's resignation

The petition was started after the government claimed there was no family physician shortage during last week's rounds of arbitration with the OMA over doctors compensation.

Published May 13, 2024 at 8:17pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
Ontario family physicians call for health minister's resignation

The Ontario Union of Family Physicians (OUFP), an advocacy group for the over 2,100 family doctors in the province, has started a petition calling for the resignation of Health Minister Sylvia Jones.

The petition, which has over 2,000 signatures so far, came after the Health Ministry claimed there was no physician shortage in the province during an arbitration session with the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) last week.

Dr. Ramsey Hijazi, one of the physicians that started the petition, said that he did it because he wanted to hold the government accountable for their comments.

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