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New report accuses province of prioritizing private clinics over public hospitals

The report says government funding primarily favours private clinics over public hospitals, and showed a stark increase in fees charged by private staffing agencies, which worsens staffing issues within hospitals.

Published Feb 21, 2024 at 9:38pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
New report accuses province of prioritizing private clinics over public hospitals
Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition, prepares to speak to reporters at Queens Park inToronto on Monday, January 21, 2019, about their newly released report "Situation Critical." The report examines government data to reveal the current state of long-term care in Ontario. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

A new report by the Ontario Health Coalition says the Ford government is better supporting private clinics and hospitals than those in the public system.

The report found that under Ford's watch, the Ontario government funded private hospitals at double the rate per surgery than it funds public hospitals. It also found that the province increased funding for private clinics by 200 per cent and for one of the two remaining private hospitals by nearly 300 per cent.

The report, called Robbing the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme, spans 16 pages and details various measures the coalition say the government has implemented to weaken the public healthcare system while bolstering the private sphere.

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