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Ford signals need for fresh mandate in face of trade tensions

The chatter about an early election has ramped up since last week, when Ford hinted at his rationale for calling one. He said that he doesn’t have a mandate to spend “tens of billions of dollars” on economic stimulus to counteract the tariffs.

Published Jan 14, 2025 at 12:54am

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
Ford signals need for fresh mandate in face of trade tensions

It’s looking more and more like Premier Doug Ford is gearing up for an early election in Ontario. While nothing’s official yet, the signs are piling up, and Ford himself isn’t shutting down the rumors.

Both Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles and Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie were up this morning saying Ford doesn't need to seek a new mandate right now, because he has a big majority already, and they would both stand ready to work with him on the stimulus bill.

When asked if getting cross party support on the issue negates the reason for an early election, Ford limited himself to saying that he wants the people to decide.

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