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Ford government doubles down on nuclear, natural gas in new energy plan

The plan seeks to increase the province’s power generation capacity, while minimizing the costs associated with building out the grid — but some are taking issue with the Ford administration's commitment to natural gas and new nuclear generation.

Published Jul 10, 2023 at 6:45pm

Davis Legree
Davis Legree
Ford government doubles down on nuclear, natural gas in new energy plan

Hydro power lines are shown just outside Winnipeg in 2018. (John Woods/The Canadian Press)

From electric-vehicles to heat pumps, more and more elements of society are reliant on electricity. In fact, Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) found that electricity demand in the province could more than double by 2050.

The bottom line is clear — Ontario is going to need a lot more power.

On Monday, Ontario Energy Minister Todd Smith released a plan to meet the energy needs of the future, though not everyone is on board.

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