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Ford backs his chief of staff in personal email controversy

Ford said that “as far as I’m concerned he [Sackville] didn’t do anything wrong.”

Published May 30, 2024 at 6:01pm

Barbara Patrocinio
Barbara Patrocinio
Ford backs his chief of staff in personal email controversy

Premier Doug Ford says his chief of staff "didn't do anything wrong" as questions swirl over his use of a personal email to discuss the PC government's ill-fated Greenbelt land swap plan.

Ford acknowledged that Patrick Sackville used his personal email address for government business but maintained that it wasn't done to shield activity from the integrity commissioner or other investigators.

He made the comments on Thursday when asked by QP Briefing — during an unrelated announcement — why Sackville shouldn’t face the same consequences that Kaleed Rasheed, who resigned from Ford’s cabinet and the Ontario Progressive Conservative caucus last year after seemingly giving inconsistent testimony to Ontario’s integrity commissioner.

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